Digital Transformation
- HCL Commerce E-Commerce für Unternehmen im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft
- HCL Connections Plattform für die Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen
- HCL Customer Data Platform Flexible und anpassbare Kundendatenplattform
- HCL Discover Verhaltensanalysen für Customer Journeys
- HCL Domino Plattform für schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung
- HCL DX Die DXP für die wichtigen Momente
- HCL Marketing Cloud Präzises Marketing im großen Maßstab mit KI vorantreiben
- HCL Sametime Sichere Videomeetings und Chats für Unternehmen
- HCL Unica Plattform zur Marketing-Automatisierung für Unternehmen
- HCL Volt MX Multi-experience App-Entwicklung mit Low Code
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
Data and Analytics
- HCL Actian Ermöglicht ein datengesteuertes Unternehmen
- HCL Actian Data Platform Data Services Suite mit flexiblem Betriebsmodell
- HCL DataConnect Low-Code-Integrationsplattform
- HCL Ingres Transactional Database Legendäres transaktionales RDBMS
- HCL OneDB Erstellen von datenbankgestützten Unternehmensanwendungen
- HCL Vector Analytics Leistungsstarke BI und Analytik
- HCL Zen Edge Data Management Integrierbares Edge Data Management
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
AI and Automation
- HCL Automation Orchestration Orchestrieren und optimieren Sie die Geschäftsautomatisierung
- HCL Automation Power Suite IT- und Business-Automatisierung beschleunigen
- HCL BigFix Sichere Endpunktverwaltung
- HCL DRYiCE KI als Grundlage für das Digital Enterprise
- HCL Secure DevOps Automatisierte Tests und Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- Enterprise Security
- Cloud
- Banking and Financial Services Bewährte Lösungen für das Bankwesen
- Healthcares Bereitstellung neuer Patientenerfahrungen
- Insurance Verbessern Sie die Erfahrungen der Versicherungsnehmer
- Manufacturing Transformation der traditionellen Fertigung
- Retail Erfüllen Sie die sich ändernden Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Verbraucher
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Digital Transformation
- Digital Transformation Übersicht Technologie, die Menschen und Systeme in Einklang bringt
- HCL Commerce E-Commerce für Unternehmen im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft
- HCL ConnectionsPlattform für die Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen
- HCL Customer Data PlatformFlexible und anpassbare Kundendatenplattform
- HCL DiscoverVerhaltensanalysen für Customer Journeys
- HCL DominoPlattform für schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung
- HCL DXDie DXP für die wichtigen Momente
- HCL Marketing CloudPräzises Marketing im großen Maßstab mit KI vorantreiben
- HCL SametimeSichere Videomeetings und Chats für Unternehmen
- HCL UnicaPlattform zur Marketing-Automatisierung für Unternehmen
- HCL Volt MXMulti-experience App-Entwicklung mit Low Code
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Data and Analytics
- Data, Analytics & Insights ÜbersichtZuverlässige, flexible und einfach zu bedienende Plattformen
- HCL ActianErmöglicht ein datengesteuertes Unternehmen
- HCL Actian Data PlatformData Services Suite mit flexiblem Betriebsmodell
- HCL DataConnectLow-Code-Integrationsplattform
- HCL Ingres Transactional DatabaseLegendäres transaktionales RDBMS
- HCL OneDBErstellen von datenbankgestützten Unternehmensanwendungen
- HCL Vector AnalyticsLeistungsstarke BI und Analytik
- HCL Zen Edge Data ManagementIntegrierbares Edge Data Management
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- AI and Automation
- AI and Automation Overview Humanizing AI to solve real-world problems
- HCL Automation OrchestrationOrchestrieren und optimieren Sie die Geschäftsautomatisierung
- HCL Automation Power SuiteIT- und Business-Automatisierung beschleunigen
- HCL DRYiCEKI als Grundlage für das Digital Enterprise
- HCL Secure DevOpsAutomatisierte Tests und Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Enterprise Security
- Übersicht über das Cloud-AngebotUmfassende, auf Cloud-Diensten basierende Transformation
- Business CloudEinheitliche Infrastrukturplattform
- AppDev CloudProCode, Low-Code, No-Code
- Hybrid Data CloudGemeinsame Datenintegrationsschicht
- Automation CloudSatz aller Automatisierungsressourcen
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Produkte
Alphabetical List
- AI and Automation
- HCL DevOps Velocity
- HCL Automation Orchestration
- HCL Automation Power Suite
- HCL Clara
- HCL DevOps Plan
- HCL Hero
- HCL Secure DevOps
- HCL DevOps Deploy
- HCL DevOps Test
- HCL DevOps Test Embedded
- HCL DevOps Model RealTime
- HCL DevOps Code ClearCase
- HCL Workload Automation
- HCL Mainframe Solutions
- HCL Z Asset Optimizer
- HCL Z Data Tools
- HCL Z Abend Investigator
- HCL Z and I Emulator
- Data and Analytics
- HCL Actian
- HCL Actian Data Platform
- HCL DataConnect
- HCL Ingres Transactional Database
- HCL Vector Analytics
- HCL Zen Edge Data Management
- Digital Transformation
- HCL Commerce
- HCL Discover
- HCL Marketing Cloud
- HCL Unica
- HCL Connections
- HCL Customer Data Platform
- HCL Domino
- HCL Sametime
- HCL Volt MX
- Enterprise Security
- HCL AppScan
- HCL BigFix
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Cloud Native
- HCL Now
- HCL Sofy
- Alle produkte
Industry Software Solutions
- Telecom & 5G
- HCL Augmented Network Automation (SON)
- HCL NFV AccelerationNetzwerk-Performance-Beschleuniger
- HCL X-HaulKomplette Modem-IP-Suite
- HCL SMARTWiFiIntelligente WiFi-Cloud-Plattform
- Entreprise Cloud AI
- HCL IntelliService
- HCL IntelliSearch
- Digital Manufacturing
- HCL CAMWorks
- HCL Glovius
- Field Service
- Quest Informatics SolutionsEfficient inventory management
- Branchen
Alphabetical List
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What we achieved
Reduce Infrastructure Costs
Enable Security
Enhanced Deployments
To who
Industry: Retail
Products: HCL Launch
Region: North America/US
Part 1
Without a way to securely manage deployments in one application, continuous delivery work at this organization became siloed and unevenly distributed across teams, and ServiceNow tickets had to be manually validated.
Part 2
Using HCL Launch’s external approvals, roles, and permissions features, this organization was able to successfully implement a pre-emptive validation on all ServiceNow tickets and securely give more teams access to the continuous delivery platform.
Part 3
The organization reduced infrastructure costs and can now systematically enable all users to securely manage their own deployments through an as-a-service approach.
The Challenge
Managing access and approvals
To get the most value out of a self-service approach, you need to balance access with security. For work items to move through the pipeline, you must give multiple teams and individuals access to systems and information. But you also need a way to ensure that only the correct, approved work gets deployed at the right time alongside the proper approvals from ServiceNow.
A national retailer with a large ecommerce presence was struggling to balance these two needs. The Middleware DevOps team leads at this organization had tight control over their continuous delivery platform. Finance and sales teams within their ecommerce department played a large role in their DevOps pipeline, but the continuous delivery managers worried that giving other teams access to their CD platform would lead to unauthorized modification of processes and environments. This siloing of continuous delivery access led to communication breakdowns between teams, delayed cycle times, and an unmanageable workload on the few people who were given permission to access the CD platform.
Another issue the organization faced was integrating the continuous delivery system with existing change approval processes. All teams involved in ecommerce used ServiceNow to submit, assign, and confirm change requests. However, ServiceNow was not integrated into the continuous delivery platform, meaning team leads had to manually check ServiceNow status before going forward with continuous delivery work. The DevOps team tried to automate this process with a homegrown solution that allowed users to verify their change approval requests before running deployments, but this created yet another project the Middleware DevOps team had to continuously manage, maintain, and organize.
The retailer wanted an automated, secure way to manage access to their continuous delivery platform so work and information could be better distributed across team members. They also need a way to integrate ServiceNow so they could have a more seamless DevOps pipeline.
The Solution
Making life easier with automation
With help from their client advocate, the retailer used HCL Launch, our enterprise-level continuous delivery platform, to implement a tight security model with auditing and traceability. Using “permissions” the DevOps team can define specific actions (like read, write, and delete) as they relate to specific entities (like environments and processes). With “roles” the DevOps team can define categories of individuals and assign those categories permissions. For example, an organization can create a deployment specialist role, which has access to run deployments but cannot edit any processes. The number of roles and permissions is unlimited in HCL Launch and can be organized by team, so it is completely customizable to each organization’s unique needs. HCL Launch’s roles and permissions feature creates a division of labor between those who can edit and modify your processes and those who run your deployments, ensuring solid process control and better security. In addition, all deployments and modifications are tracked through audit logs that can be saved within the tool or exported elsewhere for safe keeping.
To eliminate the need for a homegrown ServiceNow integration, the retailer’s DevOps team implemented HCL Launch’s external approvals feature. This feature automatically checks for an approved change approval ticket (such as ServiceNow or BMC Remedy) matching the request before a deployment can begin. External approvals apply best DevOps practices to the change approval boards’ requirements without sacrificing speed or control.
Saving time and resources
Once the DevOps team set up their roles and permissions in HCL Launch, they migrated several other teams into the HCL Launch server to allow them to interact directly with the UI and run their own deployments. Even though more teams are now involved, the organization’s cost did not increase because giving more users access to HCL Launch does not require additional licenses, resources, or infrastructure. With HCL Launch’s method of managing the who, what, and when of deployment activity, the DevOps team leaders no longer need to worry about users interrupting a process or manipulating a deployment. The organization is able to onboard new teams and users, allowing the DevOps pipeline to flow more smoothly and teams to work more autonomously with the necessary guardrails.
Since HCL Launch’s external approvals solved the ServiceNow integration issue, the retailer was able to reduce workload, costs, and infrastructure by eliminating the need for their homegrown stopgap. Now, the Middleware DevOps team can onboard more users and improve other DevOps services. Plus, external approvals provide another way of ensuring that the change approval board follows the company’s defined security requirements by seamlessly automating deployment validation.
Using HCL Launch, this retailer removed bottlenecks in their DevOps pipeline, reallocated development resources, and provided a more autonomous continuous delivery experience for more employees. With these benefits, the organization can deliver better quality applications faster for their customers.
Weitere Leistungen
Enterprise Security
Sicherheit von der Anwendung bis zum Endpunkt. Erkennung, Eindämmung und Behebung von Schwachstellen – vor, während und nach dem Angriff.
Mehr erfahrenDigital Transformation
Wir fördern Ihren Weg in die DIGITAL+ Economy mit Technologie, die die Erfahrungen Ihrer Kunden, Mitarbeiter und Stakeholder verändert.
Mehr erfahrenData, Analytics & Insights
Daten sind der Antrieb für ehrgeizige und intelligente Organisationen. Wir halten Flugzeuge in der Luft, Lieferketten in Bewegung und verarbeiten Milliarden von Transaktionen – jeden Tag.
Mehr erfahrenAI & Automation
Die Humanisierung der KI zur Lösung realer Probleme ist der Schlüssel zum Unternehmenswachstum. KI wird dabei helfen, intelligente Entscheidungen auf der DNA-Ebene jedes Unternehmens zu treffen.
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