Digital Transformation
- HCL Commerce E-Commerce für Unternehmen im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft
- HCL Connections Plattform für die Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen
- HCL Customer Data Platform Flexible und anpassbare Kundendatenplattform
- HCL Discover Verhaltensanalysen für Customer Journeys
- HCL Domino Plattform für schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung
- HCL DX Die DXP für die wichtigen Momente
- HCL Marketing Cloud Präzises Marketing im großen Maßstab mit KI vorantreiben
- HCL Sametime Sichere Videomeetings und Chats für Unternehmen
- HCL Unica Plattform zur Marketing-Automatisierung für Unternehmen
- HCL Volt MX Multi-experience App-Entwicklung mit Low Code
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
Data and Analytics
- HCL Actian Ermöglicht ein datengesteuertes Unternehmen
- HCL Actian Data Platform Data Services Suite mit flexiblem Betriebsmodell
- HCL DataConnect Low-Code-Integrationsplattform
- HCL Ingres Transactional Database Legendäres transaktionales RDBMS
- HCL OneDB Erstellen von datenbankgestützten Unternehmensanwendungen
- HCL Vector Analytics Leistungsstarke BI und Analytik
- HCL Zen Edge Data Management Integrierbares Edge Data Management
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
AI and Automation
- HCL Automation Orchestration Orchestrieren und optimieren Sie die Geschäftsautomatisierung
- HCL Automation Power Suite IT- und Business-Automatisierung beschleunigen
- HCL BigFix Sichere Endpunktverwaltung
- HCL DRYiCE KI als Grundlage für das Digital Enterprise
- HCL Secure DevOps Automatisierte Tests und Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- Enterprise Security
- Cloud
- Banking and Financial Services Bewährte Lösungen für das Bankwesen
- Healthcares Bereitstellung neuer Patientenerfahrungen
- Insurance Verbessern Sie die Erfahrungen der Versicherungsnehmer
- Manufacturing Transformation der traditionellen Fertigung
- Retail Erfüllen Sie die sich ändernden Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Verbraucher
- Learn & Support
- Partners
- Kontakt
Digital Transformation
- Digital Transformation Übersicht Technologie, die Menschen und Systeme in Einklang bringt
- HCL Commerce E-Commerce für Unternehmen im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft
- HCL ConnectionsPlattform für die Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen
- HCL Customer Data PlatformFlexible und anpassbare Kundendatenplattform
- HCL DiscoverVerhaltensanalysen für Customer Journeys
- HCL DominoPlattform für schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung
- HCL DXDie DXP für die wichtigen Momente
- HCL Marketing CloudPräzises Marketing im großen Maßstab mit KI vorantreiben
- HCL SametimeSichere Videomeetings und Chats für Unternehmen
- HCL UnicaPlattform zur Marketing-Automatisierung für Unternehmen
- HCL Volt MXMulti-experience App-Entwicklung mit Low Code
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Data and Analytics
- Data, Analytics & Insights ÜbersichtZuverlässige, flexible und einfach zu bedienende Plattformen
- HCL ActianErmöglicht ein datengesteuertes Unternehmen
- HCL Actian Data PlatformData Services Suite mit flexiblem Betriebsmodell
- HCL DataConnectLow-Code-Integrationsplattform
- HCL Ingres Transactional DatabaseLegendäres transaktionales RDBMS
- HCL OneDBErstellen von datenbankgestützten Unternehmensanwendungen
- HCL Vector AnalyticsLeistungsstarke BI und Analytik
- HCL Zen Edge Data ManagementIntegrierbares Edge Data Management
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- AI and Automation
- AI and Automation Overview Humanizing AI to solve real-world problems
- HCL Automation OrchestrationOrchestrieren und optimieren Sie die Geschäftsautomatisierung
- HCL Automation Power SuiteIT- und Business-Automatisierung beschleunigen
- HCL DRYiCEKI als Grundlage für das Digital Enterprise
- HCL Secure DevOpsAutomatisierte Tests und Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Enterprise Security
- Übersicht über das Cloud-AngebotUmfassende, auf Cloud-Diensten basierende Transformation
- Business CloudEinheitliche Infrastrukturplattform
- AppDev CloudProCode, Low-Code, No-Code
- Hybrid Data CloudGemeinsame Datenintegrationsschicht
- Automation CloudSatz aller Automatisierungsressourcen
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Produkte
Alphabetical List
- AI and Automation
- HCL DevOps Velocity
- HCL Automation Orchestration
- HCL Automation Power Suite
- HCL Clara
- HCL DevOps Plan
- HCL Hero
- HCL Secure DevOps
- HCL DevOps Deploy
- HCL DevOps Test
- HCL DevOps Test Embedded
- HCL DevOps Model RealTime
- HCL DevOps Code ClearCase
- HCL Workload Automation
- HCL Mainframe Solutions
- HCL Z Asset Optimizer
- HCL Z Data Tools
- HCL Z Abend Investigator
- HCL Z and I Emulator
- Data and Analytics
- HCL Actian
- HCL Actian Data Platform
- HCL DataConnect
- HCL Ingres Transactional Database
- HCL Vector Analytics
- HCL Zen Edge Data Management
- Digital Transformation
- HCL Commerce
- HCL Discover
- HCL Marketing Cloud
- HCL Unica
- HCL Connections
- HCL Customer Data Platform
- HCL Domino
- HCL Sametime
- HCL Volt MX
- Enterprise Security
- HCL AppScan
- HCL BigFix
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Cloud Native
- HCL Now
- HCL Sofy
- Alle produkte
Industry Software Solutions
- Telecom & 5G
- HCL Augmented Network Automation (SON)
- HCL NFV AccelerationNetzwerk-Performance-Beschleuniger
- HCL X-HaulKomplette Modem-IP-Suite
- HCL SMARTWiFiIntelligente WiFi-Cloud-Plattform
- Entreprise Cloud AI
- HCL IntelliService
- HCL IntelliSearch
- Digital Manufacturing
- HCL CAMWorks
- HCL Glovius
- Field Service
- Quest Informatics SolutionsEfficient inventory management
- Branchen
Alphabetical List
- Learn & Support
- Partners
- Kontakt
HCLSoftware is committed to the safety and security of all our products and services. The HCLSoftware Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) has been commissioned to manage the investigation and remediation of security vulnerabilities related to HCLSoftware offerings. This page describes our policy and process for handling security vulnerabilities in our products.
To report a suspected security vulnerability to HCLSoftware, send an email to PSIRT@hcl.com. When submitting your report, be sure to include the product name, version, summary of the suspected security vulnerability, security impact of the vulnerability, and steps to reproduce the issue.
Please refer to our HCLSoftware Vulnerability Disclosure Policy prior to making your submission to ensure that you are reporting on In-scope software, reporting through the proper channels, and aware of our legal terms.
Acknowledgment and Analysis of a Vulnerability Report
If you submitted a vulnerability report via PSIRT@hcl.com, HCLSoftware Product Security will acknowledge the receipt of the report within 2 business days. A tracking number will be provided in the acknowledgment email. Please include this tracking number in the subject of all further email communications relating to the submission.
Vulnerability Remediation
For all validated security vulnerabilities affecting HCLSoftware products and services that are in active support, HCLSoftware will provide a fix or workaround. A Security Bulletin describing the fix or workaround will be posted in the Knowledge Base on the HCL Customer Support portal.
Severity Rating
HCLSoftware uses version 3.1 of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) as part of its standard process of evaluating reported potential vulnerabilities in HCLSoftware products. The CVSS model uses three distinct measurements or scores that include Base, Temporal, and Environmental calculations.
HCLSoftware will provide an evaluation of the base vulnerability score, and in some instances, will provide a temporal vulnerability score. End users are encouraged to compute the environmental score based on their network parameters. The combination of all three scores should be considered the final score, which represents a moment in time and is tailored to a specific environment. Organizations are advised to use this final score to prioritize responses in their own environments.
Advisories or Bulletins of Product Security Information and Software Updates
Information relating to addressed vulnerabilities are published in Security Advisories or Security Bulletins, which are available from the Knowledge Base on the HCL Customer Support portal.” You can sign up for push notifications via email for the security bulletins you care about by visiting the HCL PSIRT Blog and subscribing to one or more of the Topics on the right hand side of the page. You can also search the HCL Support Knowledge Base for security bulletins."
Security bulletins are published under the following situations:
- A security issue that is specific to our software or that affects open-source software that can reasonably be assumed to affect our software is publicly reported and widely available; AND a fix is available in one or more supported software versions.
- A security issue that affects our software is privately reported to HCLSoftware; and a fix is available in currently supported software versions.
Security bulletins will include the following information, where applicable:
- Affected products and versions
- Description of vulnerability
- Potential impact rating
- Common Vulnerability Enumerator ID (CVE: http://www.cve.org )
- Severity rating (HCL uses version 3.1 of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System, CVSSv3.1; https://www.first.org/cvss/user-guide)
- Available updates, fixes or workarounds
- Acknowledgement of the reporter (if applicable)
Industry Affiliations
Advisories or Bulletins of Product Security Information and Software Updates
Information relating to addressed vulnerabilities are published in Security Advisories or Security Bulletins, which are available from the Knowledge Base on the HCL Customer Support portal.” You can sign up for push notifications via email for the security bulletins you care about by visiting the HCL PSIRT Blog and subscribing to one or more of the Topics on the right hand side of the page. You can also search the HCL Support Knowledge Base for security bulletins."
Security bulletins are published under the following situations:
- A security issue that is specific to our software or that affects open-source software that can reasonably be assumed to affect our software is publicly reported and widely available; AND a fix is available in one or more supported software versions.
- A security issue that affects our software is privately reported to HCLSoftware; and a fix is available in currently supported software versions.
Security bulletins will include the following information, where applicable:
- Affected products and versions
- Description of vulnerability
- Potential impact rating
- Common Vulnerability Enumerator ID (CVE: http://www.cve.org )
- Severity rating (HCL uses version 3.1 of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System, CVSSv3.1; https://www.first.org/cvss/user-guide)
- Available updates, fixes or workarounds
- Acknowledgement of the reporter (if applicable)
Industry Affiliations