Digital Transformation
- HCL Commerce E-Commerce für Unternehmen im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft
- HCL Connections Plattform für die Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen
- HCL Customer Data Platform Flexible und anpassbare Kundendatenplattform
- HCL Discover Verhaltensanalysen für Customer Journeys
- HCL Domino Plattform für schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung
- HCL DX Die DXP für die wichtigen Momente
- HCL Marketing Cloud Präzises Marketing im großen Maßstab mit KI vorantreiben
- HCL Sametime Sichere Videomeetings und Chats für Unternehmen
- HCL Unica Plattform zur Marketing-Automatisierung für Unternehmen
- HCL Volt MX Multi-experience App-Entwicklung mit Low Code
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
Data and Analytics
- HCL Actian Ermöglicht ein datengesteuertes Unternehmen
- HCL Actian Data Platform Data Services Suite mit flexiblem Betriebsmodell
- HCL DataConnect Low-Code-Integrationsplattform
- HCL Ingres Transactional Database Legendäres transaktionales RDBMS
- HCL OneDB Erstellen von datenbankgestützten Unternehmensanwendungen
- HCL Vector Analytics Leistungsstarke BI und Analytik
- HCL Zen Edge Data Management Integrierbares Edge Data Management
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
AI and Automation
- HCL Automation Orchestration Orchestrieren und optimieren Sie die Geschäftsautomatisierung
- HCL Automation Power Suite IT- und Business-Automatisierung beschleunigen
- HCL BigFix Sichere Endpunktverwaltung
- HCL DRYiCE KI als Grundlage für das Digital Enterprise
- HCL Secure DevOps Automatisierte Tests und Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- Enterprise Security
- Cloud
- Banking and Financial Services Bewährte Lösungen für das Bankwesen
- Healthcares Bereitstellung neuer Patientenerfahrungen
- Insurance Verbessern Sie die Erfahrungen der Versicherungsnehmer
- Manufacturing Transformation der traditionellen Fertigung
- Retail Erfüllen Sie die sich ändernden Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Verbraucher
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Digital Transformation
- Digital Transformation Übersicht Technologie, die Menschen und Systeme in Einklang bringt
- HCL Commerce E-Commerce für Unternehmen im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft
- HCL ConnectionsPlattform für die Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen
- HCL Customer Data PlatformFlexible und anpassbare Kundendatenplattform
- HCL DiscoverVerhaltensanalysen für Customer Journeys
- HCL DominoPlattform für schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung
- HCL DXDie DXP für die wichtigen Momente
- HCL Marketing CloudPräzises Marketing im großen Maßstab mit KI vorantreiben
- HCL SametimeSichere Videomeetings und Chats für Unternehmen
- HCL UnicaPlattform zur Marketing-Automatisierung für Unternehmen
- HCL Volt MXMulti-experience App-Entwicklung mit Low Code
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Data and Analytics
- Data, Analytics & Insights ÜbersichtZuverlässige, flexible und einfach zu bedienende Plattformen
- HCL ActianErmöglicht ein datengesteuertes Unternehmen
- HCL Actian Data PlatformData Services Suite mit flexiblem Betriebsmodell
- HCL DataConnectLow-Code-Integrationsplattform
- HCL Ingres Transactional DatabaseLegendäres transaktionales RDBMS
- HCL OneDBErstellen von datenbankgestützten Unternehmensanwendungen
- HCL Vector AnalyticsLeistungsstarke BI und Analytik
- HCL Zen Edge Data ManagementIntegrierbares Edge Data Management
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- AI and Automation
- AI and Automation Overview Humanizing AI to solve real-world problems
- HCL Automation OrchestrationOrchestrieren und optimieren Sie die Geschäftsautomatisierung
- HCL Automation Power SuiteIT- und Business-Automatisierung beschleunigen
- HCL DRYiCEKI als Grundlage für das Digital Enterprise
- HCL Secure DevOpsAutomatisierte Tests und Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
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- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Enterprise Security
- Übersicht über das Cloud-AngebotUmfassende, auf Cloud-Diensten basierende Transformation
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- AppDev CloudProCode, Low-Code, No-Code
- Hybrid Data CloudGemeinsame Datenintegrationsschicht
- Automation CloudSatz aller Automatisierungsressourcen
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- HCL Now
- HCL SoFy
- HCL Cloud Native
- Produkte
Alphabetical List
- AI and Automation
- HCL DevOps Velocity
- HCL Automation Orchestration
- HCL Automation Power Suite
- HCL Clara
- HCL DevOps Plan
- HCL Hero
- HCL Secure DevOps
- HCL DevOps Deploy
- HCL DevOps Test
- HCL DevOps Test Embedded
- HCL DevOps Model RealTime
- HCL DevOps Code ClearCase
- HCL Workload Automation
- HCL Mainframe Solutions
- HCL Z Asset Optimizer
- HCL Z Data Tools
- HCL Z Abend Investigator
- HCL Z and I Emulator
- Data and Analytics
- HCL Actian
- HCL Actian Data Platform
- HCL DataConnect
- HCL Ingres Transactional Database
- HCL Vector Analytics
- HCL Zen Edge Data Management
- Digital Transformation
- HCL Commerce
- HCL Discover
- HCL Marketing Cloud
- HCL Unica
- HCL Connections
- HCL Customer Data Platform
- HCL Domino
- HCL Sametime
- HCL Volt MX
- Enterprise Security
- HCL AppScan
- HCL BigFix
- Andere vorgestellte Produkte
- HCL Cloud Native
- HCL Now
- HCL Sofy
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Industry Software Solutions
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- HCL Augmented Network Automation (SON)
- HCL NFV AccelerationNetzwerk-Performance-Beschleuniger
- HCL X-HaulKomplette Modem-IP-Suite
- HCL SMARTWiFiIntelligente WiFi-Cloud-Plattform
- Entreprise Cloud AI
- HCL IntelliService
- HCL IntelliSearch
- Digital Manufacturing
- HCL CAMWorks
- HCL Glovius
- Field Service
- Quest Informatics SolutionsEfficient inventory management
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What we achieved
Mobile app for safe migration worldwide
180 countries in 8 Languages
iOS & Android devices on and offline
To who
Industry: World Government
Products: HCL Volt MX
Region: DACH
Part 1
This organization was started to help WWII war refugees and migrants get settled. They needed to expand safe travel for migrants globally, and with a modern app.
Part 2
They created a mobile app for that provides support for every step of planning safe migration for citizens in 180 countries and in 8 languages.
Part 3
The Volt MX platform enabled them to quickly create a highly secure app that works online and off, helping create maximum reach.
The Challenge
Helping Migrants Globally
This leading inter-governmental United Nations (UN) organization started in 1951 by promoting and supporting the orderly migration and safe harboring of displaced citizens after WWII.
They wanted to advance and expand on their foundational mission by offering safe, secure, orderly — and mobile — migration services to all citizens of the world.
Their goal was to provide easily accessible information so that citizens could connect to legitimate service providers for every step of planning their travel. Their plan was to provide a one-stop-shop platform for accessing relevant and up-to-date information on all travel services so migrants can make their travel decisions based on current, accurate, and practical information.
They needed to determine which digital solution would help make their vision a reality and would be the best choice from a functional, usability and cost perspective.
HCL Volt MX has enabled this humanitarian branch of the UN to build and deploy a migration app that is a one-stop-shop for citizens of the world who can safely and securely manage every step of their travel to/from 180 countries and keeps its users/citizens fully informed of the latest travel information along the way.
--- An observation by this UN humanitarian migration organization
The Solution
Volt MX Is the Right Choice for Low-Code App Dev
To make their renewed mission a success, they needed to choose the right app-dev platform. They reviewed several low-code digital solutions, including HCL Volt MX and Microsoft PowerApps. They determined that HCL Volt MX was the better choice for several reasons. Volt MX was deemed superior because:
- It allows developers to use a single code base and deploy that on any device
- It’s secure
- It’s easy to use for developers
- It has a built-in component library of re-useable and customizable code snippets
- It makes building apps fast and easy
- It’s comparatively lower cost
The organization moved ahead and formed a development team and established Volt MX as their low-code development platform. They built and have now deployed their FREE HCL Volt MX Migration mobile app for both iOS and Android.
The many features and functions in their Volt MX migration app include:
- Being a practical “toolkit” to assist travelers through customs when arriving in a country
- The ability to share stories about migration experiences as relatable references for those about to travel
- Information on available medical facilities
- Information about language, currency and conversion rates, population, and safety tips
- Education about migration services — visa assistance, health regulations and general training
- A place to store important travel documents so they are organized and readily available
- Emergency information to help recognize and counter human trafficking situations
- And, most recently, information on the critical circumstances in Ukraine
They are proud of their app’s success, and the fact that it provides a full range of support services for safe migration is gratifying. It supports travel needs to and from 180 countries and correspondence in 8 languages. It is the one-stop-shop solution they were hoping to provide for safe migration.
This Volt MX app empowers migrants to take charge of their own journey and not be dependent on people they don’t know or trust!
The Results
Because of the remarkable reach they have been able to achieve, thanks to their Volt MX Migration mobile app, they can more easily provide tangible travel support services. They expect their ability to help citizens — a primary mission — will continue through the development and deployment of new Volt MX apps that meet future needs.
About the company
Since 1951 this leading inter-governmental organization has always promoted the safe and orderly migration citizens, starting with displaced WWII refugees up to today where they provide an HCL Volt MX migration app to assist citizens of the world with safe and informed migration to 180+ countries and with support for 8 languages.
Weitere Leistungen
Enterprise Security
Sicherheit von der Anwendung bis zum Endpunkt. Erkennung, Eindämmung und Behebung von Schwachstellen – vor, während und nach dem Angriff.
Mehr erfahrenDigital Transformation
Wir fördern Ihren Weg in die DIGITAL+ Economy mit Technologie, die die Erfahrungen Ihrer Kunden, Mitarbeiter und Stakeholder verändert.
Mehr erfahrenData, Analytics & Insights
Daten sind der Antrieb für ehrgeizige und intelligente Organisationen. Wir halten Flugzeuge in der Luft, Lieferketten in Bewegung und verarbeiten Milliarden von Transaktionen – jeden Tag.
Mehr erfahrenAI & Automation
Die Humanisierung der KI zur Lösung realer Probleme ist der Schlüssel zum Unternehmenswachstum. KI wird dabei helfen, intelligente Entscheidungen auf der DNA-Ebene jedes Unternehmens zu treffen.
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